I’m a grown man who is married. I have 4 children. I work in corporate America, and I dance everyday.
Do you?
I love to dance. Always have, always will. I took two years of ballet classes as a kid and I grew up not just going to my mom’s arobics classes, but DOING her classes weekly. Music and movement run through me. I can’t live without them both.
Whether alone, with my kids, or in a group, dancing is where I feel most authentic and happy.
But that is not the point.
The point is this: dancing is my favorite personal expression of creativity and vulnerability. For me, rhythmic movement is a metaphor for stepping onto the dance floor of life and taking a chance. Dancing reminds me to go for it...to live...to take risks...to MOVE!
What about you? Do you take calculated risks? Or do you stay off to the side, frozen...playing it safe?
If I’d listen to conventional wisdom and social norms, I wouldn’t post videos of me dancing. But that is the main reason I’m doing it. This is an exercise of me not giving a F$@% and sharing who I truly am with no apology.
What I love about dancing is that its an expression of confidence and limitless creativity. There are no rules, just endless possibilities.
Are you expressing yourself as who you truly are? Are you stepping into the middle of the circle, closing your eyes, and letting it rip? Or are you second guessing...living with a fearful cautiousness or obsessing over the opinions of others?
Live with no regrets. In life or the dance floor, my hope is that you grab a partner, take a deep breathe, stop playing it safe, and dance.
Collin Henderson is a consultant, author, and speaker in the field of High Performance.